
Archive for the ‘Motherhood’ Category

“Maybe you ought to keep going, find something else to write about. Not a lot of people will know what that is,” said my husband, in response to hearing the title I was proposing for this piece. He might have been embarrassed that he didn’t remember this from his statistics class, but I’ve vowed not […]

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It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, now that I’m in my second half of life, that sleep has gone the way of, well, wakefulness. I am awake far more in my bed than I am asleep.  

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“Purple pants!” I cooed to my husband. He looked over, his eyes recognized the color purple, and he smiled. “Purple pants,” he replied responsively, much like the congregation had been doing since the beginning of the service.  

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Sometimes when people talk about things, it doesn’t make them better. Couples therapists around the land are finally coming to this realization, long after the last decade or so of trying to get men to talk and talk and talk about their feelings, which often backfires when they share that they’re angry, frustrated, disappointed, sexually […]

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I’ve been watching clouds lately. Don’t know why. It’s not like interesting cloud patterns and textures and formations are anything new. But give me something new, like a new phone with a new camera, and off I head into any situation, seeking something worth clicking. Here’s one I took, just strolling along next to the […]

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