
Archive for the ‘Motherhood’ Category

Hidden Treasure

Pink roses unfurl slowly one petal at a time toddler hands kissed open one finger at a time reveal: one Cheerio, its edges nibbled smooshed banana chunk moist fleshy palm.

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Early on, motherhood is very crowded, very little room or time or space just for her. There is always someone right there; possibly, multiple someones.  

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I   In the black of the morning brake lights and street lights strung together like a garland blurred by the arcs of rainwater dragged back and forth across the windshield.

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Mama Coat

I have not recycled my maternity coat. I no longer wear it with the zip-in front panel that added just the right space to protect my burgeoning belly and, later, my infant son, wrapped tightly in the baby sling I carried him in well into his preschool years. Ah, the things you can do when […]

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The quarter sheet of paper, torn edges and now slightly gray, hosts a recipe written in the small and deliberate cursive of my first adult self. Five ingredients, simple directions. The paper doesn’t identify the source of the recipe. Nor does it disclose that I’ve made the cookies maybe three or four times total, since […]

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