
Archive for the ‘Sons’ Category

How, oh how, to grow a boy?

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My son has a friend he met two summers ago at a week-long summer camp. Our families live on opposite sides of town, their house perched at the edge not only of our city but seemingly the edge of the continent, looking out over a span of water that feeds into the Pacific Ocean. The […]

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With gratitude and love (often unspoken) to my parents, David and Judy I write a lot about mother – son relationships (for obvious reasons) but I recently read a book that got me thinking about the other end of my spectrum, being an adult child to one’s parents. The book, Mitch Albom’s For One More […]

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The first time my son ventured onto concrete on his bike – after a long, arduous process of coaxing, cajoling, bribing, yelling – these from the adults – and whining and defiant refusal from him – he started to get it. He wobbled, straightened, wobbled, went so fast I had to let go of his […]

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My son is at the age where we have life lesson conversations in the car, en route to some activity. We’ve had some lovely discussions, and their brevity and the guarantee of having to end when we reach our destination lends a kind of safety – to both of us. These will not be marathon […]

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