
Archive for the ‘Sons’ Category

Curious George Bandages

This morning, I cut my right index finger on my new fancy mandolin vegetable slicer. The zucchini slices were fine, but my finger . . . less so. It was a quick, sharp, clean slice, and it was a bleeder. I had just called to my son to come tell me his ideas about how […]

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I have taken great pride in understanding my son. I’ve understood his cries since birth, his different facial expressions for sadness, anger, happiness, excitement. The way frustration goes straight to wide-eyed tearfulness and reddened cheeks, rather than the more typical route to outward outrage. I know the foods he loves, the ones he avoids, and […]

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It’s summer: the time of baseball games, waterskiing, overnight camping, barbeques, boating and swimming and biking and . . . outdoor musicals. Brigadoon was on this year’s docket at our local theatre-in-the-forest. I’ve always like this story of a perfect place lost in the mists but for one day every hundred years. The promise of […]

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At times, my 10-year-old seems quite grown up, with opinions and ideas about how the world works that are sophisticated and have an internal logic, even if they don’t always match facts that he hasn’t yet encountered about the world. At other times, he still responds as the young boy he is. He is both, […]

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My son is now 10, and inching closer to his “tweens” – a word that didn’t exist to describe my own years between childhood and adolescence. Does that mean I didn’t experience my own tweens or simply that no one recognized the unique development conflicts in the years of burgeoning independence and dependency?   If […]

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