
Archive for the ‘Sons’ Category

I get that I’m not a tall woman, but I don’t think of myself as short. “My legs reach all the way to the ground,” I can be heard saying. I have accepted my height, that many women are taller than me, and that I seem to have sufficient height to do anything I need […]

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I’ve been watching clouds lately. Don’t know why. It’s not like interesting cloud patterns and textures and formations are anything new. But give me something new, like a new phone with a new camera, and off I head into any situation, seeking something worth clicking. Here’s one I took, just strolling along next to the […]

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In a few hours, I will be on kitchen clean-up duty. We’ve pretty well divided the cooking/cleaning labor in the household, so whereas I’m predominantly the one who cooks, it’s my husband who cleans the dishes. Today, he and my son are cooking, and it will be a feast. A guy feast. Guy meat (Fred […]

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My son, who is nearing 11, has a small stuffed bear he acquired last summer. He sleeps with it nightly, at home and on sleepovers. He carefully tucks the bear in next to him, pulls the covers right up to his neck, and pats him gently before rolling over. When he’s at home, he puts […]

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Writing Sparks

Today I’m spending 3+ hours in the balcony of a high school gym, while my son is taking a middle school entrance exam. When I thought about where to send him for middle school, I didn’t realize exactly what process I was setting in motion. But here I am, in a gym not quite like […]

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