
Archive for the ‘Masculinity’ Category

I overhead this two checkout lanes away at the grocery store. I think he was talking about cigars. But it could have been cigarettes. Could have been pot, although as yet we can’t by pot at the grocery store. Give it time, give it time.

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It’s not obvious what to write about after a day atop the Coast Mountains, a part of the North American Pacific Coast Ranges. Or, rather, it is so obvious that one cannot actually write it. Feeling insignificantly small against the unending vistas. Breathing requiring conscious effort as one ascends the “easy” trail at 7000 feet, […]

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Three 12-year-olds are in my living room, finally slowing down for some screen time before heading off to sleeping bags and whispered late night boy humor. My best friend was just visiting, and somehow the topic of The Three Stooges came up. She asserted that the timelessness of their comedy is dependent on Curly. I […]

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I spoke to an old friend the other day, and lightly let slip a rather critical assessment of a long-ago ex. My words were clever yet cutting – I lamented how it was unlikely he was ever going to reconstitute into a reasonable facsimile of a man.  

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A few months ago, my son attended a two-part lecture for dads and sons about puberty. A funny yet informative lecture allowing giggles and laughter to smooth over plain old-fashioned information that normalizes puberty and soaks into the boys’ psyches. By the mere fact of attending, each young boy has been surreptitiously exposed to an […]

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