
Archive for the ‘Masculinity’ Category

Defying medical theories and scientific predictions, my father made it to his 80th birthday. His body reached a perfect trifecta of failure – heart, kidneys and lungs hung on by a delicate balance of medications and dialysis. One of his legs was numb for years, his spine was curved, one eye perpetually drooped from the […]

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Death has been playing with my Dad, toying with him like a sated cat who must keep the mouse alive until he’s hungry again.  

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Here’s what driving carpool really means: the floors of your car fill up with food remains, the seams of your seats darken with embedded crumbs, the windows smudge over with the residue of sticky/sweaty foreheads, noses, lips and fingers, the air sours with the lingering odor of left-behind articles of clothing peeled off while wet, half-sucked […]

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Every autumn, as the shocking color of orange drenches store shelves and windows, bags of candy nestle side by side with back-to-school supplies, I switch gears to fall menus. I pull out my recipes for chili and stews and whatever else will simmer all day in the slow cooker that has been empty since last […]

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Yeah, right.   The truth will rip large, irreparable holes in your stockings, explode buttons, rend sleeves from their seams, leave only dangling threads and wonder.

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