
Archive for the ‘Men’ Category

I get that I’m not a tall woman, but I don’t think of myself as short. “My legs reach all the way to the ground,” I can be heard saying. I have accepted my height, that many women are taller than me, and that I seem to have sufficient height to do anything I need […]

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The setting: An overcast day, perfect for strolling in the park and checking out the local fish ladder. Salmon are swimming upstream, doing their salmon-y thing. Big fish. People are doing their people-y thing, taking pictures, talking loudly over the low roar of the water, leaning over the tops of the pools to get a […]

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I have taken great pride in understanding my son. I’ve understood his cries since birth, his different facial expressions for sadness, anger, happiness, excitement. The way frustration goes straight to wide-eyed tearfulness and reddened cheeks, rather than the more typical route to outward outrage. I know the foods he loves, the ones he avoids, and […]

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How, oh how, to grow a boy?

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I’m sitting in a local Starbucks, and today’s Swing music mix (Dean Martin is crooning Volare, just before that was a song from Ella Fitzgerald’s Music and Moonlight), is just barely audible over the milk-steaming and repeat ordering patter at the counter. As I glance around, I feel like a sociologist discovering a new tribe.

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