
Archive for the ‘Husbands’ Category

I overhead this two checkout lanes away at the grocery store. I think he was talking about cigars. But it could have been cigarettes. Could have been pot, although as yet we can’t by pot at the grocery store. Give it time, give it time.

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Small talk with a stranger on a plane can be many things, often adding up to not much of anything. Last weekend I met a guy who told me something I hadn’t heard before, but was, to him, common knowledge. He was a handsome, trim man, hair styled and clean shaven, wearing well-fitting jeans, a button-down […]

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The setting: An overcast day, perfect for strolling in the park and checking out the local fish ladder. Salmon are swimming upstream, doing their salmon-y thing. Big fish. People are doing their people-y thing, taking pictures, talking loudly over the low roar of the water, leaning over the tops of the pools to get a […]

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A large parking lot was visible through the windows of a trendy neighborhood’s casual Japanese restaurant. This same block sports a high-end Japanese bistro, a total dive bar, an upscale happy hour place, a Mexican cantina, a Polynesian bar with umbrella drinks, a couple of shops, and a Cross Fit/Boot Camp on the corner; although […]

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In a few hours, I will be on kitchen clean-up duty. We’ve pretty well divided the cooking/cleaning labor in the household, so whereas I’m predominantly the one who cooks, it’s my husband who cleans the dishes. Today, he and my son are cooking, and it will be a feast. A guy feast. Guy meat (Fred […]

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