
Archive for the ‘Fathers’ Category

Death has been playing with my Dad, toying with him like a sated cat who must keep the mouse alive until he’s hungry again.  

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“What are your thoughts?” asked the husband to the wife.   “Hmmmmmm,” murmured the wife, stalling for time.  

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In a well-worn story of my youth, the main character is, of course, me. But as I retold the story, it could be my Dad. Or my Mom. Or my stuffed tiger, who, at the age I was at the time this story was not yet a story, but a series of events that hadn’t […]

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Some days, “goodness” is defined more simply. A break in the weather.  Errands completed with relative ease. My son has a good day at school and responds by my 4th nagging request to get off the computer. My husband returns from his 12-hour day energized and fatigued, rather than exhausted and depleted. I manage to […]

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The setting: An overcast day, perfect for strolling in the park and checking out the local fish ladder. Salmon are swimming upstream, doing their salmon-y thing. Big fish. People are doing their people-y thing, taking pictures, talking loudly over the low roar of the water, leaning over the tops of the pools to get a […]

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