
Archive for the ‘Boys’ Category

“Night” did not last more than a few minutes as a costume. My son took it off minutes before the school party, when he saw what all the other kids were wearing, and felt acutely uncomfortable. This almost ruined the party for him, but he rallied, and I had him look around to see if […]

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“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” -Ed Prentiss, 1965, Days of Our Lives   Friday was Professional Development day at my son’s school, meaning the entire public school population was turned loose upon the city. Working and nonworking parents alike had their little ones back for a day. Middle […]

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I grew up doing things like a girl. I threw like a girl, ran like a girl, cried like a girl, and in my teenage years I slammed doors, waited by the phone, and pined after unrequited crushes – just like a girl.

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My son is now 10, and inching closer to his “tweens” – a word that didn’t exist to describe my own years between childhood and adolescence. Does that mean I didn’t experience my own tweens or simply that no one recognized the unique development conflicts in the years of burgeoning independence and dependency?   If […]

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How, oh how, to grow a boy?

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