
Archive for the ‘Isolation/Belonging’ Category

I knew a guy who was surprised that people continually got mad at him, got up and moved further away if he sat next to them in a movie theater, looked past him if he were next in line, seemed forever to misunderstand and provoke him. In response, he seemed perpetually angry.  

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My folks are visiting. The soundtrack of their visit turns the volume of all devices, including throats, up to 11. [They’ve never seen This is Spinal Tap and if they did, would likely not find it particularly funny].

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[Note to those whose heart just skipped a beat – it wasn’t my stick.]   I was in a professional office building the other day, waiting for an appointment. The building is home to accountants, attorneys, and more therapists than you imagined would be necessary in such a small concentration of square footage. It’s a […]

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I went summer adventuring in the Lewis and Clark Caverns outside Three Forks, Montana. Went into the caves, down and down and down, through magnificent stalagmite and stalactite formations, past the colony of fluttering brown bats, as we clamored down, squatting at times, duck-walking, sliding down the slippery bits, careful not to hit our heads, […]

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Setting: Any given town, on any given night. Parents’ bedroom, 1:00 am. Dad is sound asleep. Mom has had a headache from a lingering cold, so she’s sleeping fitfully. There’s a knock on the bedroom door. Their 8-year-old daughter is upset, having awoken to an outlandish racket outside her window. She wants to come into […]

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