
Archive for the ‘Isolation/Belonging’ Category

Just as favorite tchotchkes, designer clothes and heirloom china lose all value once placed on the driveway for the yard sale, Biblical verses, hand-painted on the screaming purple, blue, yellow, green and red truck hitched behind the purple, blue, yellow, green and red  former school bus, seem reduced too far. If Jesus really loved me, […]

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Writers are not known for their social skills. Even those who write great dialogue do so from the privacy of their own writing space, with endless re-writes and reading it back out loud to determine when they have finally captured something like “real” conversation. You can write a to-do list, or even a family Christmas […]

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As a child, I fantasized that my real parents would search me out. Some days, the only possible explanation for the ever-widening gulf between me and the rest of my family, and the sheer impossibility that I could share any genetic material with the boy I was told is my brother, was that I’d been […]

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Instead of a diary, I told my dog the things I told no one else, believing that she alone knew me. I told her who I loved, what I was scared of, things about me I hated, things I hoped for. I recounted the injustices, slights, and micro-cruelties I had suffered. Or at least believed […]

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My literary/relational mind is poorly suited for certain types of science. When I first heard of string theory, I personalized – and simplified – it; perhaps this is what non-physicists do. I like the idea that people and objects are more than random particles, and that instead, something exists in the in-between, connecting bits and […]

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