
Archive for the ‘Isolation/Belonging’ Category

La oscuridad de la madrugada exige a la tristeza una dosis exactamente igual que la de ayer y de cada mañana antes desde que dimos un nombre a las horas interminables y supimos que somos las personas invisibles nadie puede distinguir la cara del viento el cabello del cielo nocturnal el negro en el ojo […]

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Night settles a too-thick blanket over wearied Day, stretched long and thin, past its limit. Its skin dirt-brown, cracked-dry, will not moisten or renew by morning.

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Every morning I ascend the spiral stairs, coffee cup in left hand, right hand on the railing, counting each step slowly, mindfully – to greet the morning and the town from the rooftop terrace, chat out loud, in Spanish, to the neighboring dogs neurotic in their too-small rooftop spaces, gaze back and forth across the […]

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Plum blossoms, magnolias, dogweeds, clematis the boy in the camp doesn’t know the names of the flowering buds  

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Early on, motherhood is very crowded, very little room or time or space just for her. There is always someone right there; possibly, multiple someones.  

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