
Archive for the ‘Isolation/Belonging’ Category

It’s hearts that get broken, not water, not rivers. Etel Adnan, Surge (2018). Night is for sleep. Usually. The curious, the lonely, the still-awake padding softly from bedroom window, shades drawn, to kitchen, to backdoor, to fence behind the garden, latched loosely. To join the buzz and hum that continue, defying false stillness curated indoors, […]

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That night of the thick fog, razor-sharp winds, the sky and ground the same dull, impenetrable gray, my fingers and toes, cheeks and ears unable to discern temperature, pain signals tapping an indecipherable morse code, dots of panic, dashes of resignation. I couldn’t see any way out.

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Colors emerge at night, programmed. No trace of the human hand, no flick of a wrist.

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En otro tiempo en otro desierto un viento eterno sopló una bandada de pájaros del mar al desierto del Sinaí a un pueblo destinado a vagar por cuarenta años sin patria bastante tiempo para que todos los que han nacido en esclavitud muriesen para que esos que nacieron en el yermo, sin hogar, supieran la […]

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The young couple just a few weeks into their love sheltered together the aged couple side by side so long they rarely speak out loud remained in, quietly children stayed home from school university students returned to their parents’ people sheltered with their dog, their cat, their bird their recipes, their baking supplies their Facebook […]

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