
Archive for the ‘Idiosyncracies’ Category

“Night” did not last more than a few minutes as a costume. My son took it off minutes before the school party, when he saw what all the other kids were wearing, and felt acutely uncomfortable. This almost ruined the party for him, but he rallied, and I had him look around to see if […]

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With one week to go, my son has finalized his Halloween costume idea. He will be “Night.” Black pants, black shirt, black hat, black face makeup. If he could be completely invisible, I think he’d opt for that. Out of all the sucky traits he inherited from me, he got the “Halloween under-excitement” gene. For […]

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I was in a bit of a slump the other day, piggybacking on other people’s slumps the way a summer cold passes through a household, and you end up sniffling and chilled after watching everyone else go through it yet somehow telling yourself you’ll be spared. I shouldn’t have been surprised, really, as the slump […]

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I woke up early this morning, and heard the sheets of rain as they were coming down, the loud, individual drips from the drain pipes, and from the window in my office, I now hear the water pooling, gurgling almost, in a part of our lawn which has insufficient drainage, and the additional drip of […]

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It’s amazing how difficult it is for me to do nothing. Lay on a chaise lounge for hours in the sun. Sit looking out over the water. Who are the people who are so relaxed that they fall asleep at the beach? For that matter, people who fall asleep any time after they’ve been up?

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