
Archive for the ‘Idiosyncracies’ Category

Evil is easy to spot. Especially when it’s in a cereal box aimed for little kids. I believe in the evil of Apple Jacks, Cap’n Crunch and Froot Loops. If it has “Frosted” in the name, my hand backs away from it, as it would if someone offered me just a taste of crack cocaine. […]

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They have an odd number of pairs of legs, but the total number varies from 20 to 300. Millipedes don’t have 1000 legs, but more likely between 36 and 400 legs. Replacing what I previously thought to be true with what is, apparently, actually true, I gather that certain millipedes will have fewer legs than […]

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My dentist has a new-fangled X-ray machine that takes panoramic pictures of your mouth. For the pleasure of this new procedure, you stand up, place your chin down on a bar, bite down on a plastic something, hold your head still (with the help of some kind of light head brace) and stand there wondering […]

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Celebrity Tattoos

How stuck must a writer be before heading to the internet to search for writing prompts? I must not be the only one who needs an external kick-start sometimes, because otherwise there wouldn’t be so many sites. My first click brought me to a long numerical list, numbers in bold, set in rows; when the […]

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This was not a compliment.   There was no accompanying sigh, but the disappointment seemed audible. I had been summed up and found to be flawed. Dismissed.

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