
Archive for the ‘Idiosyncracies’ Category

So surprised are we at every change in the “world we know,” we fall for it every time:

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I see your car in the driveway of the austere box of a house with concrete walls and huge windows – the house I imagined we could live in if we didn’t mind being on display.

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One cannot simply walk out the front door, head outside, venture into the great out of doors. These are acts for which we now require preparation. The first of the day’s SPF 50 must be applied. A large-brim hat must be donned. Water bottles filled. Snacks selected. Protective eye wear put on. Hypoallergenic, natural bug […]

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The quarter sheet of paper, torn edges and now slightly gray, hosts a recipe written in the small and deliberate cursive of my first adult self. Five ingredients, simple directions. The paper doesn’t identify the source of the recipe. Nor does it disclose that I’ve made the cookies maybe three or four times total, since […]

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I took a poetry collection to a café. I had an hour before attending an author reading, and was feeling particularly literary.   I sat at the bar, ordered the least expensive glass of red wine, and chatted amiably with the tattooed woman bartender about what a find to meet this poet. The poet of […]

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