
Archive for the ‘New Year’s’ Category

I’ve burrowed inside during the last week of snow, ice, the endless deluge of mudslide-threatening rain. Relief surges as I feel cold air on my face, my belly warm and soft with gratitude to be awake before the sun crests, in the pause before birdsong.

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Birdsong competes with the fluorescents’ buzz the cold concrete risers of the underground parking lot emitting tweets and chirps the call and response of barn swallows safe from predators and the Pacific arctic air chilling all the inhabitants of this usually moderate climate bipeds scurrying despite featherlite down plumage.  

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Slowly, slowly I wash our last dishes allow the too-warm water to redden my hands to just the right amount of pain so I will remember that this is what it took to release the hardened remnants from the places I used to feed on you.

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