
Archive for the ‘Having Fun’ Category

Pop quiz: Acts of self-control reduce subsequent acts of . . . (a) impulsivity and over-indulgence (b) poor decision-making (c) saying or doing things we’ll later regret (d) sticking with a new activity that began as a New Year’s resolution (e) all of the above. Answer: Most people would choose (e) – we have been […]

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Looking Up

After last week’s hike, and the mini life lesson I gave my son and his friend to look up occasionally, rather than always down, I’ve been reminding myself to do the same thing. There were a handful of stars in the dark sky early, early this morning. There’s an American flag perched at the tippy […]

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I was in a bit of a slump the other day, piggybacking on other people’s slumps the way a summer cold passes through a household, and you end up sniffling and chilled after watching everyone else go through it yet somehow telling yourself you’ll be spared. I shouldn’t have been surprised, really, as the slump […]

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Tonight my son’s homework assignment is to write the first draft of a mystery story. It’s to include dialogue, six of this week’s spelling words, and he’s to define character and setting. We’ve been going back and forth at the kitchen table for longer than you’d think it would take to write a page. My […]

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