
Archive for the ‘Guanajuato’ Category

I was set to write about you, Love – packed the computer, cord, notebook scarf and jacket for the late afternoon winds I now expect housekey that remained only once while I explored for hours headphones for the rare treat of music centuries newer than stone streets laid in 1554 the address for La Erre […]

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Every morning I ascend the spiral stairs, coffee cup in left hand, right hand on the railing, counting each step slowly, mindfully – to greet the morning and the town from the rooftop terrace, chat out loud, in Spanish, to the neighboring dogs neurotic in their too-small rooftop spaces, gaze back and forth across the […]

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I look for you

Te busco, soledad,  en el paisaje                      donde habita en la sombra  mi poesía.                            ———————————————————– I look for you, loneliness, in the landscape where my poetry lives in the shadow.  -From Elogio a […]

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Waking at Moonset

Red orange orb glowing low a child’s ball rolled down the mountain stopped in the crevice of the other side before it could reach the only one here who could catch it, La Pípila.

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