
Archive for the ‘Guanajuato’ Category

For protection, my neighbors use barbed wire coils large dogs, underfed and mistreated, pacing rooftops and fenced perimeters wrought iron spikes atop decorative steel gates and fences a stegosaurus spine of glass shards cresting tall stone walls thick metal doors with extra braces and key-locks unlandscaped hillsides made unpassable with refuse discarded mattresses disassembled wash […]

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Nanas de la Cebolla (Onion Lullabies), by Miguel Hernandez, 1939, was composed while the poet was in jail after the Spanish Civil War. It was sparked by a letter from his wife, where she told him that she only had bread and onions to eat, and that both she and his child suffered from severe […]

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The Pieces

I search again through the just-opened mound a 1000-piece puzzle a promise of calm, time without limit

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[Many thanks/muchas gracias to my favorite princess, Kivieta Gutiérrez Suardíaz, for working with me to translate this poem into Spanish. Beware the enchantment legends -of a princess who lives in the bluffs awaiting the suitor who can withstand all temptation other than she waiting still no lover able to resist

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El vendedor de paletas I can see him through your eyes: the small boy with a pushcart outside the escuela primaria

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