
Archive for the ‘Guanajuato’ Category

“I’ll make a magic to ferry you soon East of the sun and west of the moon. Joy Davidman, For Davy Who Wants to Know about AstronomyA Naked Tree: Love Sonnets to C.S. Lewis and Other Poems (2015). I’ll make a magic to ferry you soon to where the black donkey and the brown horse […]

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No rindas tu soledad tan rápido. Deja que corte más profundo. Déjalo fermentar y sazonar como pocos humanos e incluso ingredientes divinos pueden. Algo que falta en mi corazón esta noche ha hecho mis ojos tan suaves, mi voz tan tierna, mi necesidad de Dios absolutamente clara. -Hafiz Los lugares donde nos ven y nos […]

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The young couple just a few weeks into their love sheltered together the aged couple side by side so long they rarely speak out loud remained in, quietly children stayed home from school university students returned to their parents’ people sheltered with their dog, their cat, their bird their recipes, their baking supplies their Facebook […]

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The winds howled and moaned dirt and leaves and bug carcasses and dust bunnies eddied and swirled bounced down the clay tile steps one by one a soft whoosh followed by a light scraping sound as crisp dry bougainvillea leaves skittered in attempt to break free of the twirling mass until finally the debris-heavy funnel […]

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La danza del colibrí y la mariposa El colibrí y la mariposa se rodean el uno al otro en las buganvillas en sus flores ornamentales, magentas bailando en el aire borrachos con el néctar de los pequeños estigmas amarillos escondiéndose de mi vista al momento que los veo.

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