
Archive for the ‘Growing up’ Category

Pajama Day

Yesterday was Pajama Day at my son’s school. It was the midpoint of Spirit Week. This comes at the exact time when some families are hoping for a final academic push to solidify some of the basics that might have slipped under the radar in the year. But who can learn in the midst of […]

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My son is now 10, and inching closer to his “tweens” – a word that didn’t exist to describe my own years between childhood and adolescence. Does that mean I didn’t experience my own tweens or simply that no one recognized the unique development conflicts in the years of burgeoning independence and dependency?   If […]

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This, according to a 13-year-old girl giving a speech to an entire congregation, is one of the most frequent things her Mother has asked her over the years. “Did you feed the dog?” and then, not much later, the same question. The next day, “Did you feed the dog?” And on and on it went. […]

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The first time my son ventured onto concrete on his bike – after a long, arduous process of coaxing, cajoling, bribing, yelling – these from the adults – and whining and defiant refusal from him – he started to get it. He wobbled, straightened, wobbled, went so fast I had to let go of his […]

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My son is at the age where we have life lesson conversations in the car, en route to some activity. We’ve had some lovely discussions, and their brevity and the guarantee of having to end when we reach our destination lends a kind of safety – to both of us. These will not be marathon […]

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