
Archive for the ‘Growing up’ Category

The battery on my son’s MP4 player has eroded, but he’s going on a road trip so I wanted him to have the option of some music and some audiobooks. He’s at a great age, where juvenile fiction includes such things as the series about the young James Bond, stories of adventure when tweens go […]

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My son, who is nearing 11, has a small stuffed bear he acquired last summer. He sleeps with it nightly, at home and on sleepovers. He carefully tucks the bear in next to him, pulls the covers right up to his neck, and pats him gently before rolling over. When he’s at home, he puts […]

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“Night” did not last more than a few minutes as a costume. My son took it off minutes before the school party, when he saw what all the other kids were wearing, and felt acutely uncomfortable. This almost ruined the party for him, but he rallied, and I had him look around to see if […]

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At times, my 10-year-old seems quite grown up, with opinions and ideas about how the world works that are sophisticated and have an internal logic, even if they don’t always match facts that he hasn’t yet encountered about the world. At other times, he still responds as the young boy he is. He is both, […]

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I grew up doing things like a girl. I threw like a girl, ran like a girl, cried like a girl, and in my teenage years I slammed doors, waited by the phone, and pined after unrequited crushes – just like a girl.

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