
Archive for the ‘Growing up’ Category

The sixth grade Language Arts curriculum at my son’s school requires students to write a memoir. At age 11, there are only so many significant, story-worthy events these kids have experienced.

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Sometimes when people talk about things, it doesn’t make them better. Couples therapists around the land are finally coming to this realization, long after the last decade or so of trying to get men to talk and talk and talk about their feelings, which often backfires when they share that they’re angry, frustrated, disappointed, sexually […]

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I get that I’m not a tall woman, but I don’t think of myself as short. “My legs reach all the way to the ground,” I can be heard saying. I have accepted my height, that many women are taller than me, and that I seem to have sufficient height to do anything I need […]

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Science fiction is not my best genre – for that matter, neither are epic Russian novels – both lose me with names for places and people that somehow slip right out of my mind within milliseconds of reading them. Backwards time travel is about the only form of science fiction I can follow, as it […]

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Duh. Cliché. Come on – really? Maybe I’m not smarter than a 5th grader.   My 5th grader knows that each of our journeys begins with the process of leaving home. Plans must be made, tickets or reservations made, last-minute items bought, outgrown clothes replaced, food snacks prepared. I print out his packing checklist, then […]

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