
Archive for the ‘Finery’ Category

With an anniversary on a Monday, you don’t have that many choices about what to do: celebrate it on the weekend, because Monday’s a work day, lots of places are closed on Mondays, and you’d better celebrate early rather than late to avoid the miscommunication that your anniversary doesn’t matter, maybe celebrate twice, but which […]

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I’ve decided to update my office. Once the decision was made, it seems I can barely sit in it anymore without finding everything dreary, dingy, outdated and worn. I’m aghast that I’ve been ensconced in this realm, thinking it was fine. The current color on the wall, painted when I moved in, over 8 years […]

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Well, I might be able to be friends with her when I’m done being mad. And envious. And disappointed. And full of regret. But I bet I’d really like her when I was done with all these reactions. First, the back story.

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Last week, on my short morning commute, the radio announcer reminded all in his listening domain that it was the 10-year anniversary of a large earthquake that had hit this area. Ten years – really? Well, yes, according to very simple math, it has been ten years since February 28, 2001. But the math and […]

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Although I don’t like malls, I’m a sucker for a perfect window shopping street. There’s one not too far from me, and I go there as often as possible. It’s got a lovely artisan jewelry and baby clothing store, a pretty good happy hour place, a place to buy (and therefore, sample) expensive imported lotions […]

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