
Archive for the ‘Finery’ Category

I see your car in the driveway of the austere box of a house with concrete walls and huge windows – the house I imagined we could live in if we didn’t mind being on display.

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I store my memories externally, in photos, belongings purchased during special times, gifts, books I once read or taught from, poems, and sometimes journals. One year I journaled on pages that I first painted, the colors and uneven texture of thickly painted paper eliciting words and phrases that had not emerged on crisp white sheets. […]

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I’m the kind of girl made for fur. I’m on the petite side of things, small boned, small hipped, with a modicum of upper body strength and strong, sturdy long legs and calves.  

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Here’s the way today’s piece went:   I had a great idea. A perfect quote. I was mulling it around for a few days, rolling it under my tongue like hard candy. The source was high brow enough (a 100+-year-old well-respected essay on cultural relativism and the inevitability that otherness is met with criticism and […]

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Barry White Radio

“Wait, I thought I had pants on when I started this song.” “My clothes caught fire and fell off.” -Anonymous YouTube comments for Barry White

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