
Archive for the ‘Women’ Category

I think I saw a faerie the other day. I wasn’t expecting to, but no one sees faeries by setting out to do so. First I saw only her car: boxy and angular, the white exterior paint dulled slightly with age. A regal anomaly among the sleek, smooth, rounded vehicles that dominate the road. My […]

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[Note to those whose heart just skipped a beat – it wasn’t my stick.]   I was in a professional office building the other day, waiting for an appointment. The building is home to accountants, attorneys, and more therapists than you imagined would be necessary in such a small concentration of square footage. It’s a […]

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I have taken great pride in understanding my son. I’ve understood his cries since birth, his different facial expressions for sadness, anger, happiness, excitement. The way frustration goes straight to wide-eyed tearfulness and reddened cheeks, rather than the more typical route to outward outrage. I know the foods he loves, the ones he avoids, and […]

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A while back, I attended a house concert that proved to be an unexpected delight. The evening was a perfect combination of youth, beauty, music, a glass of unexceptional red wine (as far as I can tell, large pot-luck events seem to yield an abundance of unexceptional wines, and the one I contributed was no […]

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I was at a baby shower for a new Mom who, that day, had reached 37 weeks. Such an accomplishment, those first 37 weeks. She’s already mothered her young one, already sacrificed for (his or her, the parents don’t know) sake, has curtailed her activities and her work, even to the point of bed-rest for […]

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