
Archive for the ‘Women’ Category

For Michael Newberry, Freedom to go Anywhere, Figure | Ground Gallery, June 1, 2023, Seattle, WA USA No need for an Oracle to predict the parent dethroned. A collective betrayal: to be outlived, outloved, no matter what we blame on the one who birthed the next generation, even if she bedded a god.

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Dark magic

Vanishing coin, hare pulled by its ears from a hat, the lovely assistant who is disappeared, sawed in half, guillotined, her squeals prelude to applause

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To be written

When we are naked, we are unwritten… We only want to be written.–          Orlando White, Discourse I cross cobbled streets, enthralled by street art, modern images adorning walls, utility box covers, traffic signs, there for every passerby, uncontained by museums

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Rousted from buxom dreams, hunched like a tramp, she crept along the thin knife’s edge, then curled, petal-soft, averting pursuit.

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Something is askew. We’re back to imprisonment myths sequestering women who think or act as if they had the right to.

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