
Archive for the ‘Femininity’ Category

The setting: An overcast day, perfect for strolling in the park and checking out the local fish ladder. Salmon are swimming upstream, doing their salmon-y thing. Big fish. People are doing their people-y thing, taking pictures, talking loudly over the low roar of the water, leaning over the tops of the pools to get a […]

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It was sunny today, our first pure blue-skied, warm Spring day, with rain predicted by late tomorrow night, so I cajoled my husband to come on a hike. We returned to a rather strenuous one we’d taken once before, the “little” hike to its big brother full mountain hike, a mere 2.2 miles to the […]

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[Note to those whose heart just skipped a beat – it wasn’t my stick.]   I was in a professional office building the other day, waiting for an appointment. The building is home to accountants, attorneys, and more therapists than you imagined would be necessary in such a small concentration of square footage. It’s a […]

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His and Her Matinees

His: The Immortals – Gods and Titans in a CGI special-effects extravaganza, heads sliced right off, chopping, murdering, swords, arrows, blood and severed body parts in 3D (I can just imagine people in the theater ducking out of the way of incoming parts and blood splatter), Mickey Rourke, good versus evil.   Hers: The Princess […]

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I have taken great pride in understanding my son. I’ve understood his cries since birth, his different facial expressions for sadness, anger, happiness, excitement. The way frustration goes straight to wide-eyed tearfulness and reddened cheeks, rather than the more typical route to outward outrage. I know the foods he loves, the ones he avoids, and […]

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