
Archive for the ‘Femininity’ Category

Making Way for the Poem

I’ve been waiting for anger to subside or at least squidgy a little to the left or, if not that, slide a bit lower or melt, maybe, from my furrowed brow and clenched jaw or warm the nippy fluids buffering my heart by just half a degree or soften just the tiniest bit the hardened […]

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It is always a sin to reach too high.  

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On the occasion of the Seattle Womxn’s March Jan 21, 2017 You ask me to walk in silence hold my tongue wait just a little longer and still a little longer maybe four years.

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As it always has, temptation came from the lure of the fruit and the urge of the Serpent.  

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I   In the black of the morning brake lights and street lights strung together like a garland blurred by the arcs of rainwater dragged back and forth across the windshield.

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