
Archive for the ‘Femininity’ Category


Something is askew. We’re back to imprisonment myths sequestering women who think or act as if they had the right to.

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Preparing for Spring

Daffodils bow their heads, shyly pour their golden silence, evade the prying lens, beckon human eyes of the very young, beetles and squirrels scurrying below, those willing to lie down on moist cold dirt to peer inside, past the attention-seeking stigma to the hushed ovary, protectively hidden, the seed-bearing life-giver we charge past, ignore until […]

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La Presa Issue 10, Fall 2020  pp. 72-73 Se vuelve sepia Sobre la mesa con el mantel blanco el plato de porcelana astillado parece intencionalmente envejecido la plata empañada da un guiño a shabby chic

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After de Kooning

Penumbra, Issue 31, 2021, p. 94 The rich palette of peach and yellow and white conjures feminine reverie, light and feathery in places, paint thick and heavy in others, a pool of burnt orange coagulates at the bottom of the canvas. We can trace the brush as it stroked away form, left only movement and […]

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Like the crone observing new life from her crooked-neck perch bones and sinews exposed as winter’s denuded branches time relaxed immeasurable and infinite the blue heron rests on the leafless limb its s-curved neck raising and turning languidly.

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