
Archive for the ‘Femininity’ Category

I was at a baby shower for a new Mom who, that day, had reached 37 weeks. Such an accomplishment, those first 37 weeks. She’s already mothered her young one, already sacrificed for (his or her, the parents don’t know) sake, has curtailed her activities and her work, even to the point of bed-rest for […]

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With gratitude and love (often unspoken) to my parents, David and Judy I write a lot about mother – son relationships (for obvious reasons) but I recently read a book that got me thinking about the other end of my spectrum, being an adult child to one’s parents. The book, Mitch Albom’s For One More […]

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I finished the book this morning – I couldn’t stay up long enough to finish it in one night. I still didn’t remember anything about it while I read it, even as I reread the exact passage I’d saved for my own posterity.

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Although I don’t like malls, I’m a sucker for a perfect window shopping street. There’s one not too far from me, and I go there as often as possible. It’s got a lovely artisan jewelry and baby clothing store, a pretty good happy hour place, a place to buy (and therefore, sample) expensive imported lotions […]

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I went to the mall last weekend – a place I don’t frequently go, despite being female and having, supposedly, an innate homing response to bring me there. My watch band was broken, and there’s a watch repair shop located in a kiosk, somewhere between the JCPenney and Nordstrom anchors. You can tell by these […]

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