
Archive for the ‘Mothers’ Category

Last night, in those few precious moments before bedtime when there’s not a single chore remaining for me to ask him about, my son and I were taking just a moment to snuggle on the couch. I asked him to tell me something about him that I didn’t know – something he might not have […]

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I was at a baby shower for a new Mom who, that day, had reached 37 weeks. Such an accomplishment, those first 37 weeks. She’s already mothered her young one, already sacrificed for (his or her, the parents don’t know) sake, has curtailed her activities and her work, even to the point of bed-rest for […]

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I finished the book this morning – I couldn’t stay up long enough to finish it in one night. I still didn’t remember anything about it while I read it, even as I reread the exact passage I’d saved for my own posterity.

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I am the embodiment – literally – of those who came before me. I have my maternal grandfather’s face structure and nose, as do my mother and brother. My mother’s features don’t show much of her own mother, yet they clearly shared some of their build: short-waisted and thick around the middle. Waists (defined by […]

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He doesn’t look the same as he did even a few weeks ago. Sure, there are similarities, gestures, the same eyes, but the shape of his cheeks has changed, drawn a little longer. He also outgrew his new pj’s, purchased about 5 weeks ago. Ever since he’s known me, I’ve pretty much looked the same […]

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