
Archive for the ‘Girls’ Category

Dark magic

Vanishing coin, hare pulled by its ears from a hat, the lovely assistant who is disappeared, sawed in half, guillotined, her squeals prelude to applause

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Here’s what driving carpool really means: the floors of your car fill up with food remains, the seams of your seats darken with embedded crumbs, the windows smudge over with the residue of sticky/sweaty foreheads, noses, lips and fingers, the air sours with the lingering odor of left-behind articles of clothing peeled off while wet, half-sucked […]

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I think I saw a faerie the other day. I wasn’t expecting to, but no one sees faeries by setting out to do so. First I saw only her car: boxy and angular, the white exterior paint dulled slightly with age. A regal anomaly among the sleek, smooth, rounded vehicles that dominate the road. My […]

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