
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

In a few hours, I will be on kitchen clean-up duty. We’ve pretty well divided the cooking/cleaning labor in the household, so whereas I’m predominantly the one who cooks, it’s my husband who cleans the dishes. Today, he and my son are cooking, and it will be a feast. A guy feast. Guy meat (Fred […]

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My son, who is nearing 11, has a small stuffed bear he acquired last summer. He sleeps with it nightly, at home and on sleepovers. He carefully tucks the bear in next to him, pulls the covers right up to his neck, and pats him gently before rolling over. When he’s at home, he puts […]

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I’ll take wisdom from any place I can get it. I’ll use Buddhist proverbs, without ever sitting to chant. In this instance, I’m thinking of the adage that asserts when a student is ready, a teacher will arrive. My daily commute takes me past a carpet cleaning store that offers up pithy phrases and words of […]

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At 1:32 this morning, the fire alarm in our hotel went off. It went off for a very long time. Singular, insistent beeps assailing occupants on all 19 floors. We woke, bleary-eyed and disbelieving, wondering if it was a smoke detector in our room, or elsewhere in the hotel. Eventually I found the hotel instruction […]

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Setting: Any given town, on any given night. Parents’ bedroom, 1:00 am. Dad is sound asleep. Mom has had a headache from a lingering cold, so she’s sleeping fitfully. There’s a knock on the bedroom door. Their 8-year-old daughter is upset, having awoken to an outlandish racket outside her window. She wants to come into […]

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