
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

My tulips are about to bloom again. This will be their third year. I have spent much of the fall and winter wondering, again, if anything is happening to the dormant bulbs. Did I cut the flowers down correctly? Will any come back? Am I supposed to do something with them? I’ve simply left them […]

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The holiday season is here. I am blessed with living parents, happiness and health under my own roof. Tonight I will fry potato pancakes, we will light candles, and usher in the 5th night of Hanukkah. My son will open a small present that may or may not disappoint him; Chanukah, after all, is not […]

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Our day-after-Thanksgiving hike was cancelled due to rain. It’s been wet and soggy with the kind of rain that forces you to stay indoors for a few days. But yesterday was bright and sunny, the temperature perfect for sweatshirts if you also wore a hat and gloves. A perfect day for a walk. It was […]

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My Great Aunt turns 88 this Christmas. Growing up, she was the baker in the family. She whipped sponge cakes to 10 inch height. By hand. She had a tall metal bowl and a whisk. She walked around her kitchen stirring and walking and stirring and walking until she determined that she had them exactly […]

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I’m the reason we didn’t see the Blue Angels when they were in town last year. There’s no possible way I can shift blame or fault to anyone else.

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