
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

The expansive bowed head of the weeping willow obscured the street, illusion of isolation inked permanent. Unobstructed, its water-seeking roots could not reach pipes or property lines.

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Light rain pitters on the canopy over the picnic tables, the fire pit lacks a Jenga-tower of wood, forms the nucleus of empty log benches. The smoke ban prevents bonfires

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As a child, I fantasized that my real parents would search me out. Some days, the only possible explanation for the ever-widening gulf between me and the rest of my family, and the sheer impossibility that I could share any genetic material with the boy I was told is my brother, was that I’d been […]

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One cannot simply walk out the front door, head outside, venture into the great out of doors. These are acts for which we now require preparation. The first of the day’s SPF 50 must be applied. A large-brim hat must be donned. Water bottles filled. Snacks selected. Protective eye wear put on. Hypoallergenic, natural bug […]

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I found an old ring a few weeks ago. OK, searched and searched and searched for the lost mate to a favorite pair of earrings that I bought a long time ago when traveling. I didn’t find the mate. Instead I found a hand-crafted artisan silver ring I had forgotten I’d had. Forgotten the way […]

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