
Archive for the ‘Existential’ Category

I’ve heard that enlightenment comes from a form of detachment – the ability to go through life experiencing relationships, meals, sleep, work, love, devotion, prayer – any activity – with the capacity to feel it, live it, and let it go. No attachments –  not to meaning, not to particular feelings, not to suffering. No […]

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With an anniversary on a Monday, you don’t have that many choices about what to do: celebrate it on the weekend, because Monday’s a work day, lots of places are closed on Mondays, and you’d better celebrate early rather than late to avoid the miscommunication that your anniversary doesn’t matter, maybe celebrate twice, but which […]

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When I finished my last hike, I broke into a victory dance. I whooped, pumped my fists in the air, twirled in a couple of circles, did some elbow-hip thrusts (the ones that require the top teeth to rest on the bottom lip, in perfect, politically incorrect “white man’s overbite” style), and yelled out a […]

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Duh. Cliché. Come on – really? Maybe I’m not smarter than a 5th grader.   My 5th grader knows that each of our journeys begins with the process of leaving home. Plans must be made, tickets or reservations made, last-minute items bought, outgrown clothes replaced, food snacks prepared. I print out his packing checklist, then […]

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Today’s the day my studded snow tires come off. Insufficiently caffeinated, unshowered, make-up-less, decked in sweats and sneakers under my winter coat and hat (which I’m keeping on to cover up untamed hair), I’m now in the waiting room. Initially the sharp smell of rubber was jolting, the blare of the waiting room TV sharp. […]

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