
Archive for the ‘Existential’ Category

I found an old ring a few weeks ago. OK, searched and searched and searched for the lost mate to a favorite pair of earrings that I bought a long time ago when traveling. I didn’t find the mate. Instead I found a hand-crafted artisan silver ring I had forgotten I’d had. Forgotten the way […]

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“Maybe you ought to keep going, find something else to write about. Not a lot of people will know what that is,” said my husband, in response to hearing the title I was proposing for this piece. He might have been embarrassed that he didn’t remember this from his statistics class, but I’ve vowed not […]

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I vowed I wouldn’t get too caught up in the stories and images of the Marathon. But here I am, in my silent, pre-dawn house, ensconced in what is now so clearly just the veneer of safety (the same veneer we hope to wake up into each day, we who live in the land of […]

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It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, now that I’m in my second half of life, that sleep has gone the way of, well, wakefulness. I am awake far more in my bed than I am asleep.  

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I had an hour to kill, so I stopped in to grab an appetizer. It was a quiet neighborhood restaurant, dimly but elegantly lit, with particularly nice tiny blue sparkling lights on the ceiling. I’d not been in before, but it offered tapas and Italian food; it was bound to be a fine way to […]

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