
Archive for the ‘Existential’ Category

The wind wrestles rain from the leaves Dropping them audibly, distinctly, on my skin, hair, glasses, toes. No one can identify the onset of wind.

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Just as favorite tchotchkes, designer clothes and heirloom china lose all value once placed on the driveway for the yard sale, Biblical verses, hand-painted on the screaming purple, blue, yellow, green and red truck hitched behind the purple, blue, yellow, green and red  former school bus, seem reduced too far. If Jesus really loved me, […]

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I walked away from the bonfire, toward the bay, toward the horizon, except there’s no horizon after dark. My rain boots crunched and squished along the rocks and shells and sand, and as I walked further out, sank a bit with each step. This was sand rarely exposed to air. I walked among pools of […]

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I knew a guy who was surprised that people continually got mad at him, got up and moved further away if he sat next to them in a movie theater, looked past him if he were next in line, seemed forever to misunderstand and provoke him. In response, he seemed perpetually angry.  

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The topic of the lecture was to find the good in the unexpected, the benefit of having to veer off one course and, before plotting the next, experience the freedom of getting lost. To set out without knowing where one is going. To wander for 40 years, if need be, before making one’s way to […]

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