
Archive for the ‘Existential’ Category

I flew amidst the bumpiness of air currents Not knowing that between land and cloud It wasn’t wind, but Death blowing in, come to snatch The final breath Of one who would never reach His 2nd birthday.  

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First the crocuses, bursting blue and purple, then the yellow of daffodils, now the blaze of tulips pushing forward to the front of the line, boisterous school children lined up for recess, struggling to wait their turn, antsy, unruly, yet held to the rules, holding, each in its turn, colors and shapes harmonizing, each stem […]

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The first one shone, newly minted, against the black asphalt, just beyond my back tire at the gas station. I picked it up, not wishing to jinx good luck. I turned it over, and sure enough, it was imprinted with 2014. I’m not sure how early in a new year new coins are released, and […]

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Early morning gray mist descended on bare branches etched charcoal.  

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Twenty two years after his death, I sit on the weather-stripped bench. At my feet a small plaque commemorates a man I never met, whose family and friends chose to mark his life. To mark his death, really, as that’s the only year engraved. Chose for strangers who never knew he existed to know that […]

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