
Archive for the ‘Existential’ Category

Inspired by Yehuda Amichai (2000),Open closed open. Translated by Chana Bloch & Chana Kronfeld My life is the gardener of my body. The brain – a hothouse closed tight

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I asked my friend Deb for a poem idea. “Death?” she replied. “LOL.”   I hadn’t told her it was intended to be a love poem.  

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Even the youngest brother became an old man, his spine concave, ill-fitting gray trousers cinched with a worn brown belt above his hepatitis-distended belly, gray stubble on his poorly-shaved cheeks and neck, his crowded and yellow teeth host to the remains of breakfast.  

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Succumbing to the smoothest of fingers, I die.   A little death, a divine death, releasing just enough of me into the plain where souls meet and dance, leaving just enough of me to remember that in order to live again everything must die.

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I was a few rows behind, off to the right. You couldn’t see me.   From this angle, your face was unfamiliar.  

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