
Archive for the ‘Existential’ Category

A few days ago, a dear friend invited me to join in something that pushes the edges of my sense of self. Nothing dangerous or illegal, not even too silly (which I’d rarely decline anyway), but something that would require me to enhance and enlarge a part of my identity, and to move toward reclaiming […]

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Sometimes it’s good to keep things simple. To refrain from overanalyzing, sorting though, figuring out, staying in the gray between extremes or opposites. Hot/Cold. Good/Bad. In/Out. Soft/Hard. Open/Closed. Love/ ? [What’s the opposite of love? Perhaps I’ve just stumbled on a topic for another day.]

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Setting: Any given town, on any given night. Parents’ bedroom, 1:00 am. Dad is sound asleep. Mom has had a headache from a lingering cold, so she’s sleeping fitfully. There’s a knock on the bedroom door. Their 8-year-old daughter is upset, having awoken to an outlandish racket outside her window. She wants to come into […]

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My son’s math curriculum is called Everyday Math – the idea is to use math concepts in everyday situations we encounter, rather than keep math separate, a subject during the school day that has no tie to real life. Thus, he can figure out fractions when we need only 2 of a dozen eggs, or […]

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I’m feeling stumped more frequently about writing. I have started several entries, meandered on in linguistic yet self-indulgent feats, come to an awareness that was crucial for me, then realized I can’t possibly post what I wrote because it’s of no benefit to anyone else, and I am so done with that little exercise that […]

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