
Archive for the ‘Existential’ Category

My dentist has a new-fangled X-ray machine that takes panoramic pictures of your mouth. For the pleasure of this new procedure, you stand up, place your chin down on a bar, bite down on a plastic something, hold your head still (with the help of some kind of light head brace) and stand there wondering […]

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At 1:32 this morning, the fire alarm in our hotel went off. It went off for a very long time. Singular, insistent beeps assailing occupants on all 19 floors. We woke, bleary-eyed and disbelieving, wondering if it was a smoke detector in our room, or elsewhere in the hotel. Eventually I found the hotel instruction […]

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I’m trying on a new life philosophy. It lacks elegance, it lacks sophistication, but what it has is the kind of simplicity that life philosophies should have. It’s based on a change in the fundamental premises by which I have built my life: What if I stopped taking things so seriously, stopped assuming that each […]

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Non Sequitor

Heading out to my car at 5:30 this morning, I am met with the cold, damp, dark silence that lies hidden, just outside my door. Cars, people, cats, birds, all are still sleeping. The moon is white and the purple night sky blankets the town, even as I throw off the covers to jump-start my […]

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Uncommon Pursuit

Some people are convinced that humanity is on the downward side of a bell curve, just like the ancient Romans, who, despite creating the most successful and accomplished society ever, could not maintain this glory, and instead, descended quickly into chaos and decadence. It’s just a matter of time before our civilization will fall, say […]

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