
Archive for the ‘impermanence’ Category

Bright light behind me only shape remains resting, hovering, suspended clouds blacken against an orange-pink glowing sunset black, too, the white-breasted hummingbird and the pink-striped hibiscus against the golden burst of a fresh-out-of-bed sunrise the curve of a jaw the connect-the-dots peaks and valleys of wind-tousled hair my own light, energy eclipsed features undefined.

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¡Marea de inundación debajo de mí! ¡Te veo cara a cara! Nubes del oeste, sol a media hora de altura, también te veo cara a cara. (…) Dentro de cincuenta años, otros los verán mientras cruzan, el sol de media hora de altura Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face! Clouds of the […]

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And if I found you?

I seek out the street that shares your name amble behind the bull ring alongside the Guadalquivir across the Puente de Isabella II past the restaurant where we ate poorly-fried tapas when we weren’t hungry.

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Every morning I ascend the spiral stairs, coffee cup in left hand, right hand on the railing, counting each step slowly, mindfully – to greet the morning and the town from the rooftop terrace, chat out loud, in Spanish, to the neighboring dogs neurotic in their too-small rooftop spaces, gaze back and forth across the […]

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Darkness Drops

The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? -W. B. Yeats, The Second Coming (1919)  

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