
Archive for the ‘Environmentalism’ Category

A few months ago, my son attended a two-part lecture for dads and sons about puberty. A funny yet informative lecture allowing giggles and laughter to smooth over plain old-fashioned information that normalizes puberty and soaks into the boys’ psyches. By the mere fact of attending, each young boy has been surreptitiously exposed to an […]

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We are living in a time of ultimate personal and household revolution. We used to be able to go to the pharmacy, drugstore, grocery store, purchase our items, and have them placed in bags for us. We’d carry those bags to our fossil-fuel-depleting cars, bring our over-abundance of consumer demand products into our climate-controlled homes, […]

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I’m not a camper. When I seek out adventures, travel, access to the great outdoors, I want it bookended in a climate-controlled, screened-window room, in which I can lay my weary bones on a bed with a mattress and clean sheets, extra pillows. I want the capacity to flush. I want warm tasty food and […]

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