
Archive for the ‘Solitude’ Category

From the hollow where there should be mother/father/lover/song/child/pet/friend/book/nature all the names for God I unexpectedly wretched.

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Fog obscures, thick drab shawl over the shoulders of the pines, blurs the silhouettes, redacts the hills

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Three fingers on my right wrist, you listen to the rhythm of my blood river, its constant flow no one else hears. If you placed your fingertips to my forehead, would you feel my shame? Would your palm over my heart read my longing? Could your hand on my left hip, fingers pressing deeply into […]

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La oscuridad de la madrugada exige a la tristeza una dosis exactamente igual que la de ayer y de cada mañana antes desde que dimos un nombre a las horas interminables y supimos que somos las personas invisibles nadie puede distinguir la cara del viento el cabello del cielo nocturnal el negro en el ojo […]

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I look for you

Te busco, soledad,  en el paisaje                      donde habita en la sombra  mi poesía.                            ———————————————————– I look for you, loneliness, in the landscape where my poetry lives in the shadow.  -From Elogio a […]

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