
Archive for the ‘Renewal/rebirth’ Category

Some summer mornings I resist the invitation to greet the day on the page, murmur excuses within the crowded clamor – too cold, too gray, too late – then the seagull flies overhead, mouth dangling dark matter extracted from a neighbor’s gutter, to the nest I cannot see but must be close.

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A building has at least two lives – the one imagined by its maker and the life it lives afterward – and they are never the same.    – Rem Koolhaas Some never knew of the secret stair, smooth, cool caracol of white cantera, winding out of sight complicit in the house built in another era […]

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Déjalo ir – Para Leona, con sus colores vibrantes en su interior. Gracias por recordármelo. ¿Cuántas veces me ha sido invitado?

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The winds howled and moaned dirt and leaves and bug carcasses and dust bunnies eddied and swirled bounced down the clay tile steps one by one a soft whoosh followed by a light scraping sound as crisp dry bougainvillea leaves skittered in attempt to break free of the twirling mass until finally the debris-heavy funnel […]

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The first time you died I wanted to fill your grave with artifacts from our union too precious to live above ground.

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